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Cold and flu season Temporada de influenza y resfriados

ALERT: Stay healthy this cold and flu season! Learn more

ALERTA: ¡Mantente sano durante esta temporada de influenza y resfriados! Más información

New Website! ¡Nuevo sitio web!

ALERT: We have made the Texas Children’s Health Plan website even easier to use! Click here to learn more.

ALERTA: ¡Ahora el sitio web de Texas Children’s Health Plan es aún más sencillo de usar! Haz clic aquí para más información.

Enfamil shortage updates Escasez de Enfamil Reguline

ALERT: Shortage of Enfamil products until October 31, 2024. Learn more.

ALERTA: Escasez de productos de Enfamil hasta el 31 de octubre de 2024. Más información.

Change Healthcare Incident Change Healthcare incidente

Flu is back - vaccinate now!

Flu season is back and the flu vaccine continues to be the best way to protect ourselves and our patients against serious complications from the flu. The more people who get vaccinated, the more we can prevent influenza from impacting those who are most vulnerable to complications. In 2017, a study in Pediatrics was the first of its kind to show that flu vaccination also significantly reduced a child’s risk of dying from influenza. What’s new for flu in 2017-2018?
  • Recommendation to not use the nasal spray flu vaccine (LAIV) was renewed for the 2017-2018 season. Only injectable flu shots are recommended for use again this season.
  • Flu vaccines have been updated to better match circulating viruses (the influenza A(H1N1) component was updated).
  • Pregnant women may receive any licensed, recommended, and age-appropriate flu vaccine.
  • Two new quadrivalent (four-component) flu vaccines have been licensed: one inactivated influenza vaccine (“Afluria Quadrivalent” IIV) and one recombinant influenza vaccine (“Flublok Qudrivalent” RIV).
  • Age recommendation for “Flulaval Quadrivalent” has been changed from 3 years old and older to 6 months and older to be consistent with FDA-approved labeling.
  • Trivalent formulation of Afluria is recommended for people 5 years and older (formerly 9 years and older) in order to match the Food and Drug Administration package insert.
  1. Flannery B, Reynolds SB, Blanton L, Santibanez TA, O'Halloran A, Lu PJ, Chen J, Foppa IM, Gargiullo P, Bresee J, Singleton JA, Fry AM. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against Pediatric Deaths: 2010-2014. Pediatrics. 2017 May;139(5).
  2. CDC 2017-2018 Influenza information