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Cold and flu season Temporada de influenza y resfriados

ALERT: Stay healthy this cold and flu season! Learn more

ALERTA: ¡Mantente sano durante esta temporada de influenza y resfriados! Más información

Hurricane Laura and Delta Information for Medicaid Providers

Date: October 12, 2020     Attention: All Medicaid ProvidersProviders should monitor the Texas Children’s Health Plan (TCHP) Provider Portal regularly for alerts and updates associated to the COVID-19 event.  TCHP reserves the right to update and/or change this information without prior notice due to the evolving nature of the COVID-19 event.Call to action: Texas Children’s Health Plan (TCHP) would like to inform our network Medicaid providers of new guidance from the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) regarding coverage. Texas providers rendering services to evacuees from Louisiana due to Hurricane Laura and Delta may complete the Hurricane Emergency Expedited Application with Louisiana Medicaid to receive reimbursement for services rendered to Louisiana Medicaid clients for the fee-for-service program. How this impacts providers: If providing care to a Louisiana managed care enrollee, providers will need to contact the clients’ MCO to be reimbursed for services provided. Refer to the Healthy Louisiana Hurricane Laura Provider Assistance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for MCO credentialing contact information. Answers 1, 2, and 11 of the Louisiana FAQ are specific to enrollment and eligibility verification. Additional information is located in the “Hurricane Delta and Laura Information for Medicaid Providers” web article published on Next steps for providers: Medicaid providers should share this information with their staff. If you have any questions, please email Provider Network Management at: access to all provider alerts,log into: or