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Date: August 3, 2023
Attention: STAR Kids Providers/Consumer Directed Services employers, and FMSA Providers
Call to action: Texas Children’s Health Plan (TCHP) would like to let providers know that Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will post new and revised policies to be added to the Electronic Visit Verification Policy Handbook, effective Oct. 1. These revisions are outlined in the Policies effective Oct. 1, 2023 (PDF), located on the EVV webpage.
How this impacts providers:
Revisions include:
Reason Codes
HHSC has published EVV Reason Codes Effective Oct. 1, 2023 and after (PDF) and the EVV Reason Codes Crosswalk (PDF), to compare the different versions of reason codes, on the EVV webpage.
Updates to VMUR Templates and VMUR Job Aids
HHSC published EVV VMUR templates for Program Providers and FMSAs (Excel) and for CDS employers (Excel), on the EVV webpage.
A new option is now available in the Incorrect Data Element drop-down list. “Bill Time In” and “Bill Time Out” was added to document the actual clock in time of the service and the actual clock out time of the service.
An example of a request to document the “Bill Time In” and “Bill Time Out” can be found in the EVV VMUR Job Aid for Program Providers and FMSAs (PDF) and EVV VMUR Job Aid for CDS employers (PDF).
EVV Policy Training Updates on the HHS Learning Portal
HHSC updated the following training materials on the HHS Learning Portal to align with the policy revisions mentioned above:
If you need help creating an account on the HHS Learning Portal and enrolling in EVV Policy Training, access the EVV HHS Learning Portal Guide (PDF) on the EVV Training Resources webpage.
Next steps for providers: Providers should share this communication with their staff.
If you have any questions, please email Provider Relations at: access to all provider alerts,log into: or