Requests for acute occupational speech and physical therapy services will require documentation from the prescribing provider that a visit for the acute injury or acute exacerbation of the medical condition requiring therapy has occurred within the last 90 days.
Acute speech therapy authorization will not require evidence of current Texas Health Steps well checkup for therapy treatment requests of 60 days or less.
Therapy services for greater than 60 days will require evidence that the member is current in their Texas Health Steps Checkup via
Documentation of ordering provider attestation
Copy of the current Texas Health Steps Checkup
If evidence that the member is current in their Texas Health Steps Checkup was not submitted, therapy requests may be approved for a maximum of 90 days with medical director approval.
After two 60 day authorized periods, any continued requests for therapy services must be considered under the chronic therapy sections of this guideline.
Out-of-Network acute speech therapy services will also need to comply with TCHP Out of Network Services Guidelines