Texas Children’s Health Plan is pleased to announce the unveiling of the ADHD Provider Toolkit. The ADHD Provider Toolkit is a go-to site for a wide range of relevant material to assist clinicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with ADHD and their families. The goal is to provide information sources for the primary care provider who frequently sees patients with this diagnosis, thereby making evidence-based practices and tools available on the desktops of busy practitioners.
How Do I Find It?
The ADHD Provider Toolkit is available, in its most up-to-date version, online to participating providers through the Texas Children’s Health Plan Provider Portal. It can also be made available by contacting Texas Children’s Health Plan Provider Relations at 832-828-1008 or toll-free at 1-800-731-8527. In an effort to make the ADHD Provider Toolkit a clinically useful resource for our providers and members, Texas Children’s Health Plan welcomes provider feedback and comments.
ADHD medication management is part of important HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) metrics. These measures include Follow-up Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication. To learn more about HEDIS and ADHD medication management, check out our September 2017 HEDIS Spotlight at TheCheckup.org/blog.